Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)
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Elvis Costello; Tramp The Dirt Down




Mr Nimzo 257 sums it up well:


It’s not often that a song gets written for an unknown time in the future. This song from about 25 years ago turns out to have been written for today (8th April 2013). Thank you Declan Patrick MacManus, you did it perfectly….



Noel Gallagher also looked ahead in February 2012:


“There is a headline that implies that I am of the opinion that the years spent under the rule of that soon to be dead granny, Maggie Thatcher, was good for the soul. I’ve read the story and I must say it’s very misleading; any great working class art, fashion, youth culture, etc., came to be IN SPITE of that woman and her warped right wing views, and NOT BECAUSE of them.
Also for the record, on the day that she dies we will party like it’s 1989. Just so you know.


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