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Hooked on Armin Van Buuren’s Classics

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Hooked on Armin Van Buuren’s Classics


Classical music critic and Bach buff Martin Weber published an ecstatic eulogy to Armin Van Buuren this week in which he revealed that after stumbling upon the violin introduction of Armin’s recent track Intense he realized it has ‘the structure of a baroque concerto.’


“Bach’s music and van Buuren’s trance compositions are essentially the same thing’, the author of ‘acclaimed novels Shayno,’ ‘Benedetto’ and ‘In the Mirror a Monster” explained.


“A Bach cadence — meant to extend musical tension to the breaking point — is exactly the same tool van Buuren uses to get the crowds screaming.” (Huffington Post: )


He also recommended having sex to Armin (‘especially if you top — give it a try!). Almost as brilliant as Bach & Co’) in contrast to ex-music journalist Sophie Heawood who, writing in the Guardian abut the state of contemporary pop music played on UK station Kiss FM, singled out Armin for special attention.


They play Swedish House Mafia: music designed to do a three-point turn to,” she complained.


“And now it’s Armin Van Buuren, with something that sounds like metal being thrown at goats,” she moaned. (Guardian: )



Martin Weber: In the Mirror, A Monster:













Jonty Skrufff:


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