Johnny Dynell DJ mix on Germany Calling on Pioneer DJ Radio
New York alternative icon Johnny Dynell is the guest DJ on the new 2 hour Germany Calling this week, providing a one-hour mix .
: what did you use to record the mix with?
Johnny Dynell: “I did this mix using Ableton Live. I usually do my mixes with my Pioneer CDJs & Mixer but this time I wanted to play around with Ableton. It was fun.”
Skrufff: What approach did you take (does the mix have any particular meaning or theme or story beneath it?)
Johnny Dynell: “This mix has a “Ball House / Bitch Track” feel to it. Voguing and Bitch Tracks have really made a comeback in the past couple of years. I guess it’s part of the return to the late 80′s & early 90′s House sound that’s popular now. I’ve actually been re-releasing some of my old Bitch Tracks as well as some new ones on my Endless Night Music label.”
Skrufff: How much do you consider DJing an artform and DJs as artists?
Johnny Dynell: “DJing is creative and is definitely an art form but we as DJs always have to remember that we are entertainers. Our job is to show people a good time. To educate if we can but always to entertain. Of course the big EDM DJs have taken this to an absurd level. They jump around and pump their fists in the air to pre-recorded sets making millions of dollars. I kind of love it and the kids love it, they eat it up. I don’t consider it real DJing though, it’s more like lip-synching. It’s really funny to me. Personally I still get the greatest pleasure looking out at the crowd and pulling out some classic that sends the room over the edge. You can’t be spontaneous with a pre-recorded set.”
Skrufff: How much has the rise of EDM in the States changed your life/ DJ career?
Johnny Dynell: “EDM and the big EDM DJs have become cartoons. They make me laugh as they are laughing all the way to the bank. Yes, I’m jealous of the crazy money that they make but I’m really envious of their show biz special effects. Someone should make an EDM version of “Spinal Tap”. I wouldn’t pay to see an EDM DJ but I’d definitely pay to see that movie!
Skrufff: Anything else to add?
Johnny Dynell: “Just that if anyone DOES make the EDM DJ/ Spinal Tap movie I want credit! It’s such a good idea.”
Thanks for asking me to be a part of Berlin Calling!
Danceteria 1983
Look at my hot pants!