Barefoot Doctor; Full Moon Party Predators
Last week Australian Honorary Consul Larry Cunningham urged revellers to steer clear of the Full Moon parties at Koh Phangan this week, declaring that predatory locals are sedating, robbing and sometimes gang-raping revellers.
“They are some of the worst criminals in Thailand . . . rapists, murderers and thieves and some are corrupt police,” the Consul told the Brisbane Times.
“These (raves) are dangerous, dangerous places . . . even groups of revellers are targeted by these criminals.
Skrufff: How Should Young People Best Handle Full Moon Type Travel Warnings
Barefoot Doctor: I’m biased because I used to spend a few months every winter on Koh Phangan throughout the 90s and attended a fair few full moon parties.
They used to be wonderful events before the numbers of travellers started exponentially increasing and the numbers of criminals and corrupt police likewise, and as time went on tragedies became more regular.
These included drug induced psychosis, suicides, murders, accidental deaths, innocent people having drugs planted or being tricked by plain clothes police and having to pay $20,000 to avoid long gaol sentences- and this as the parties grew progressively more crap.
So though I’d word it differently to the Australian consul – I’d just say don’t bother. Koh Phangan full moon parties are crap these days (but that’s just my own jaded opinion) - I’d not argue with the gist of it.
There is a false sense of invincibility and immortality in all of us until we come to terms with our mortality, and there is a need to learn how to take care of ourselves and to be alert to danger. On the other hand destiny is destiny and it’s unlikely there’s anything you can do to avoid it no matter how much care you take.
In fact perhaps it’s better to believe you are invincible – I know I did – you’re more likely to have a full adventure of it that way than by hanging back in the cul de sac like a frightened mouse.”
Questions by Skrufff.