Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)
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Rui Da Silva DJ Mix on Pioneer DJ Radio- Musically I’ve Never Been So Excited (interview)





Portugal’s best known underground DJ/ producer Rui Da Silva found international crossover fame with his (originally) Spandau Ballet sampling UK number one hit Touch Me though is nowadays better known as the man behind uber-cool tech-house-experimental label Kismet (reflecting his 90s Underground Sound of Lisbon origins).


Rui’s DJ mix for Germany Calling on Pioneer DJ Radio broadcasts on Friday October 11 (show-time is 14.00 CET/ London 13.00) then on Sunday October 13 (show-time 19.00-21.00 CET):



Skrufff: Where are you at musically right now: what’s inspiring you, what kind of style- loosely- are you spinning when DJing?


Rui Da Silva: “Musically I think I’ve never been so excited and focused, which came as a result of my long sabbatical in ibiza where I rediscovered the love for making music again. I’ve now settled in London and have just opened a new recording studio in Soho. This studio has been designed with the sound being its main focus and the acoustics are amazing; it’s the perfect mixing room. “


Skrufff: You’re very active on Facebook and a recent post caught my attention: you posted ‘inconsistencies reduce the ease of our thoughts and the clarity of our feelings”: a rather unusual message to put on Facebook; what do you mean? (And why post it on Facebook?)


Rui Da Silva: “For the past few years I’ve started reading books again with some regularity and every time I see a quote that sums up the thought process I like to share it and keep it for posterity. I’ve been using my social media status to preserve those quotes.


This particular quote is from an excellent book from Daniel Kahneman called Thinking Fast and Slow that focus on the 2 Systems of thought; System 1 is Fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic, subconscious and System 2 Slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating and  conscious. The book goes on to explain the cognitive biases associated  with each type of thinking. This particular quote sums up the power of the rule WYSIATI (What You See Is All There Is).”


Skrufff: You also posted a ‘How long to nap’ link: are you a big sleeper: how easy do you find the sleep deprivation aspect of DJing? What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep?)


Rui Da Silva: “No I’m not a big napper, I’m a workaholic and a sucker for new knowledge. Since a very early age I have always stayed up for long stretches of time, then came the party years and the sleep deprivation continued during those years.  These days I work very long hours so I usually average three to four hours’ sleep every night. The longest I’ve gone without sleeping? I don’t know – probably two or three days.”


Skrufff: You moved to Ibiza for a while, what do you make of the ever increasing commercialisation of the island and its VIP culture? Where do you expect it to end?


Rui Da Silva: “I was there for three years and left almost three years ago. What happened to ibiza was on the cards for a long time ago, the VIP culture has always been there, it seems that everyone wants a bit of the VIP culture and money in their venue these days. There are still places that do not bow to the bottle service, and all in all I think that there is much more options to hear music of all genres these days than there ever was. Only a narrow mind would wish an island where they only play one genre of music.”


Listen to Rui’s DJ mix here (Friday and Sunday) then on our mixcloud page next week:




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