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Super-rich Real Punk Problems





High society brewing heiress Daphne Guinness grumbled about the increasingly rapid turnover of fashion trends this week in an interview with the Observerand revealed that despite being recognised as a ‘true fashion icon’ by the likes of ‘Celebrity Net Worth (who recently estimated she’s worth US$100million) struggles to decode today’s elite fashions.


“You go up to someone dressed like a punk, thinking – “Wow, they’ll be into the Ramones!” – and actually they’re a stockbroker and you have to beat a hasty retreat,” said Daphne, “They’ve just read about punk in Vogue,’ she sniffed.


Her comments came just days after true punk icon Jello Biafra proposed an interesting solution to the extreme income inequality increasingly dividing western society in an interview with Palm Desert news site


“I think there should be a maximum (annual) wage,” the Dead Kennedys visionary proposed, “You make your first million, you’re done. Everything else goes back to the public good,” he suggested.


Jello interview from 1997:  “What are we going to do? Write down ideas. Bounce them off your friends. If you don’t have intelligent enough friends, get new ones. Talk to your parents, your teachers . . . And don’t let the attitude you have now evaporate if you start making money working for I.B.M. Always keep that with you and make sure it’s passed down to your children. Don’t give up and don’t mellow out.”


 Celebrity Net Worth: Daphne Guinness is an artist of both British and Irish nationality who has a net worth of $100 million. Daphne Guinness accumulated her net worth as a fashion icon, writer of fashion articles, as well as directing a couple of videos, and creating a new fragrance for Comme des Garcons . . .’)














Jonty Skrufff:


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