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Barefoot Doctor Bit; Why Do So Many Prefer To Fit In?

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Anthropologist Razvan Nicolescu last week said ‘most individuals try to present themselves online the way they think society is expecting them to’ in response to a survey of Italian facebook users which discovered that ‘most individuals try to present themselves online the way they think society is expecting them to’.


“It seems that social media works not towards change – of society, notions of individuality and connectedness, and so on – but rather as a conservative force,” he added, “That tends to strengthen the conventional social relations and to reify society as Italians enjoy and recognise it.” (Guardian: )  Barefoot shares his thoughts . . .


Barefoot Doctor: “Fitting in, giving the right sets of signals, is an intrinsic aspect of the herd bonding mechanism. However with correct education from the start emphasizing the importance of original creative thinking and action, and of being your own person, the effects can be attenuated, enabling you to live a balanced, socially contributive, worthwhile life without being a people-pleaser and so rob your life of authenticity.


This latter is exacerbated by the ubiquitous insistence on being and looking perfect, on airbrushing out all the fault lines of your life, so you’ll come across as OK on social media and so on.


It’s a symptom of collective narcissism and neurosis, but in time with better education and encouragement to express the uniqueness of your presence faults and all, it’s likely the neurosis will calm down and we’ll see signs of genuine evolution rather than just the image of it.”



Questions by Skrufff.


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