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Increased Coke Stroke Danger Discovered




Scientists in the US are calling for all young stroke patients to be tested for drug use after discovering that people who sniff a line of cocaine are up to seven times more likely to suffer an ischemic stroke within 24 hours of using the drug.


Dr Yu-Ching Cheng from the University of Maryland School of Medicine announced her study’s findings at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2014.


“Cocaine use is one of the risk factors we investigated and we were surprised at how strong an association there is between cocaine and stroke risk in young adults,” she said.


‘We found the stroke risk associated with acute cocaine use is much higher than some other stroke risk factors, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking.” (Mail: )


While some patients can suffer mild ischaemic strokes and make full recoveries many can suffer long term paralysis, problems with speech and vision and even changes in personality according to stroke advice on BUPA’s online stroke guide. Luckier ones may suffer from ‘transient ischaemic attacks’ with symtoms that vanish within twenty four hours. Symptoms may also be relatively subtle, BUPA warns.


“A good way to recognise if someone has had a stroke is to use the ‘FAST’ test. FAST stands for: face; arm; speech; time to call 999 (911)” they warn.


“This involves checking for any one of the three main symptoms of stroke – facial weakness, arm weakness or speech problems. If you notice that someone has one or more of these symptoms, call for emergency help straight away,” they recommend. (BUPA: )










Jonty Skrufff:


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