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Uruguay Prices Pot @ 1$ a Gram (£3 an eighth)





Officials in Uruguay announced this week that cannabis soon to be sold legally in pharmacies throughout with South American country will be priced no higher than 22 pesos a gram (0.7 EUR), in a far sighted move to destroy the illicit market entirely.


Citizens will be allowed to buy up to 40 grams a month (1.4 ounces), they also confirmed, while green fingered enthusiasts will be permitted to grow 6 plants simultaneously.


“Towards the end of November, early December, the sale of marijuana will already be available in the country through pharmacies,” top official Diego Canepa told reporters (BBC: )


While the BBC report on Uruguay’s move noted that the United Nations continued to claim legalization ‘poses a health danger’ in its latest report, the London School Of Economics published another drug report attacking the UN ‘repressive’ approach and said the UN’s war has failed.


“It is time to end the ‘war on drugs’, the report, carried out by five Nobel Prize-winning economists and top mainstream politicians declared.


“The pursuit of a militarized and enforcement-led global ‘war on drugs’ strategy has produced enormous negative outcomes and collateral damage,” the report noted.


 “These include mass incarceration in the US, highly repressive policies in Asia, vast corruption and political destabilization in Afghanistan and West Africa, immense violence in Latin America, an HIV epidemic in Russia, an acute global shortage of pain medication and the propagation of systematic human rights abuses around the world.”  ( )










Jonty Skrufff:


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