Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)
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Skrufff Bites Jamaica (Weed & Homophobia)


‘The time has come to provide an opportunity for Jamaicans to benefit from the marijuana industry. (Daily Mail)


Angel Brown Burke, the mayor of Kingston, Jamaica, lends his support to campaigners seeking to legalise cannabis to boost tourism.



“When all the factors were taken into account simultaneously, the two that were most reliable were a preference for dancehall music, and gender.” (Guardian)


As Keon West reveals that results of a survey examining why so many Jamaicans are virulently homophobic which discovered that being male and liking ‘dancehall’ (reggae) were the strongest two predictors for hating gay people.

















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If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

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