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Sunday Times Turns on ‘Too Middle Class’ Glastonbury




Leading British upmarket newspaper the Sunday Times published three separate articles examining ‘how the middle classes killed Glastonbury Festival’ this week, marking a dramatic U-Turn from their previous uniformly euphoric support.


Mocking the festival’s latest mud bath edition in an editorial  (‘of the 32 Glastonbury Festivals staged since 1970, only eight have escaped the rain’) one columnist ridiculed women ‘in stained Primark parkas’ using the female urinals.


“For all its emphasis on decadence, Glastonbury is in fact a very proper, rather prudish middle-class country fayre,” she scoffed.


Even more significantly, the cover of their trend-setting lifestyle guide Style, sneered ‘Are you a Glasto desperado?’  sign-posting an article which recommended ‘avoiding the cliché’ by looking beyond the double fenced in utopia.


“Illegal raves are back”, the Times declared, “Head to the hills with a bottle of vodka and a stereo”.









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