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Rwanda Screens All American Visitors for Ebola




Rwanda’s health minister Dr. Agnes Binagwaho confirmed this week that all passengers arriving from America and Spain will have their temperatures taken and be refused entry if they show any sign of fever, in response to cases of Ebola occurring in both countries.


“We have to ensure that all citizens or any other travelers arriving from the above mentioned countries including the U.S have to be screened in an extra careful manner,” she told reporters, “and follow up on them during their stay.” (Yahoo,com: )


Britain’s Foreign Office (FO) confirmed that Brits are also now being ‘screened for fever on entry to Rwanda’ adding ‘you won’t be able to enter the country if you’ve visited Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone in the previous 22 days’.


The FO also noted additional unusual hazards that first time visitors should be aware of on their official Travel Advice page.


“Plastic bags have been banned for environmental reasons. Visible plastic bags will be confiscated on arrival at the airport,” they warned.


“The eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) remains volatile,” they added.


“You should remain highly alert to the possibility of military incursions, stray bullets and/or artillery fire entering Rwanda.” (FO: )






Jonty Skrufff:

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