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‘Maybe Gay’ Homophobes Might Also Become Isis Terrorists




British government Minister Nicky Morgan warned this week that teenage bullies who hate gays could be in danger of being targeted and groomed by older men, keen to convert them to into religious fanatics.


“Radicalisation or the risk of children being drawn into non violent extremism is a very real threat in this country,” the education secretary said in an interview on Radio 4, Sadly, Isis are extremely intolerant of homosexuality,” she noted.


The suspect sexuality of homophobes was examined by the New York Times in 2012 in a feature headlined Homophobic? Maybe You’re Gay?’ which examined the conclusions of a paper combining data from six separate studies in the US and Germany which discovered a significant correlation.


“Not all those who campaign against gay men and lesbians secretly feel same-sex attractions,” University of Rochester study chief and professor of psychology, psychiatry and education Richard M. Ryan told the Times, “But at least some who oppose homosexuality are likely to be individuals struggling against parts of themselves, having themselves been victims of oppression and lack of acceptance.” (New York Times: )


Russia’s ‘gay propaganda’ zealot Vitaly Milono, meanwhile, this week called for Facebook to be banned from Russia after the social networking giant offered a massively popular app for users to add a gay-friendly ‘Let’s Celebrate Pride’ rainbow filter over their profile pictures.


‘It is a crude violation of Russian legislation. Facebook has no age limits, it is impossible to control how many minors are there,‘ Mr Milonov told reports, “That is why it would be completely normal to pull the plug on Facebook in Russia”. (GayStarNews; )


Russian designer Oleg Chulakov also responded by producing a Love for the Motherland’ facebook filter which layered the Russian flag over users’ faces.









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