Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)
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Digital DJs Warned Against Upgrading to Apple’s El Capitan




Both Pioneer DJ and Native Instruments have issued warnings to DJs not to upgrade to Apple’s new operating system el Capitan until further notice, after serious bugs were identified by both companies.


“Our initial tests show that some issues occur when running the following products under OS X El Capitan,’ said Pioneer DJ, singling out various controllers as virtually all their DJ mixers.


“We therefore cannot recommend our customers to update to OS X El Capitan,” they stressed.


Native (NI) similarly issued a ‘CRITICAL compatibility warning that ‘NI plug-ins do not pass the AUDIO UNITS validation in Mac OS X 10.11 – Logic Pro affected’ as well as dreadful problems with older hardware including their X1 and Maschine controllers .


“There are compatibility issues between some older NI devices and Apple’s upcoming operating system,” said NI.


“This issue triggers a ‘kernel panic’ – this serious problem will crash the connected computer immediately, resulting in loss of any unsaved work, or serious disruption of a performance.”



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