Pioneer DJ Repeat ‘Don’t Upgrade to Mac’s El Capitan’ Warning
Apple’s latest wave of adverts urging users to upgrade to their new operating system El Capitan to ‘elevate the Mac experience to new heights’ prompted an immediate response this week (November 2) from rekordbox producers Pioneer DJ.
“As a reminder rekordbox does not currently officially support OS X EL CAPITAN 10.11.” Pioneer stressed, “We therefore don’t currently recommend the update.”
Traktor manufacturers Native Instruments took a similar ‘still don’t upgrade yet’ approach, repeating on their support forum several days earlier ‘currently Native Instruments does not officially support OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). Two major compatibility issues concerning KOMPLETE, MASCHINE and TRAKTOR products have been identified.
“Incompatibility between some older NI devices and OS X 10.11 has been discovered,” they also warned, “This issue triggers kernel panics that crash the connected computer immediately, resulting in loss of any unsaved work, or serious disruption of a performance.”
Traktor support: “Should you already have updated to OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), please proceed as explained below in order to resolve the corresponding issue”: