Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)
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Berghain- Just Say ‘Nay’
Published March 16, 2016 | By skrufff
“Heute nicht” (
One of 8 key ‘Berlin slang terms you need to survive in the German jungle’ (meaning ‘not today’, the phrase ‘the guardians of Berlin’s infamous Berghain have used to turn down hopefuls at the club’s door, thus inflicting lifelong scars on their ego and endowing them with a fancy for black clothing’.)
“The Berghain gains its appeal from its exclusivity, its enigma and its zero tolerance policy for bullshit. We were unprepared, unsuited and, most likely, a liability to ourselves and the club.” (The London
‘The London’ blogger Grant Bailey stays philosophical after being rejected by door pickers at Berlin’s ‘The Berghain’.
Posted in NEWS STORIES | Tagged berghain, door policy, panorama bar, sven marquardt
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