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Vegas & Avicii Confirm End Of EDM


: "I love DJing, I do . . . It's just like when it's right in the moment and you have that stupid bright light on you . . . It feels so awkward . . .” (Avicii in Vegas in GQ in 2013: click for more)



The New York Post reported this week that Las Vegas casinos are ‘turning up their noses at superstar DJs’ with new clubs including Wynn Las Vegas’s soon to open new nightclub Intrigue and 2018 new casino complex Alon Las Vegas actively avoiding ‘six-figure DJs’.


“People are sick of the DJs in Vegas,” club entrepreneur Victor Drai told the Post.


“It’s ridiculous to have the same five or six guys, pay them a fortune and lose money. It will reach a point where DJs are totally irrelevant,” he predicted.


The Post article appeared less than two weeks after the Miami Herald published a similarly blunt assessment of EDM’s current commercial viability, which noted that key corporate sponsors were already scaling back their support during Miami Winter Music Conference week.


“EDM is over — it’s like disco,” ex Miami superclub publicist Vanessa Menkes told the Herald, “In 2005, you could open your doors on a random Saturday night and make $150,000. Those days are not coming back.”  (Miami Herald )


Definitive EDM superstar DJ Avicii also suddenly announced he’s retiring from performing, in a lengthy open ‘thank you’ letter in which he used the past tense to thank ‘all my peers in the business for building a new movement that took the world by storm’.


“I know I am blessed to be able to travel all around the world and perform, but I have too little left for the life of a real person behind the artist,” the Swedish star explained, “I’ve decided this 2016 run will be my last tour and last shows.”


“This is a very sad day for dance music,” concluded, “This is truly the end of an era.”



Spin; Las Vegas’ EDM gamble (2013); “Steve Lieberman, “Unfortunately, when you see a DJ get paid a quarter of a million for two hours, is he really generating that much revenue? Does ‘Levels’ sound that much better when Avicii plays it or when DJ Vice plays it?”)












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