Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)

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Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: The Future?

“Being a musician was always poorly paid; being the star was what made you a fortune. And stars were the lucky ones......" Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: Major Labels

"A contract with a major record company was always a 90 per cent guarantee of failure and it still is today. Artists were never the product; the product was the record...." Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: Gangster Rap

Rap music is funny,” he proclaimed. “But it’s not funny if you don’t get the joke, then it’s scary.” Kids got the joke. Their parents didn’t......." Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: Punk

“British punk was not as nihilist as the punk ethos actually dictated; British punks liked to be successful and earn money......." Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: On the Road….

"When it came to drug-taking every group told the same story. After being onstage and getting sent sky-high by the intense release of adrenalin it produced, rock performers found they couldn’t come down when the show was finished. ......" Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: The Dawn of Disco

“The Peppermint Lounge was a dump. Full house was just 179 customers – rent boys, sailors, transvestites, lowlifes and street toughs...." Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: Elvis Presley

"When Colonel Parker booked him into Vegas, a middle-class middle-aged audience gave him an ice-cold reception – “like a jug of corn liquor at a champagne party”, said Newsweek....." Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: The Birth of Black (Pop) Music

In New York, Harlem had become the capital of black America. It attracted black intellectuals and artists from across the country. “The world’s most glamorous atmosphere,” said young Duke Ellington when he first visited...... Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: the Beginning . . .

Nobody wanted to hear songs they didn’t know so new songs had to be force-fed to the public. The best way was to persuade top ballad singers to feature them in their concerts. To persuade them they were bribed – from the very beginning, that was the nature of the music business. No song was played till someone was paid....." Continue reading

Skrufff Chart (697): Marco Bailey/ Axel Karakasis/ Traumer/ Beesmunt Soundsystem/ Kerb Staller/ Slam/ Maurizio Vitiello

Seven special new Berlin tried and tested club tunes (click to listen.....) Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates