Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)

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Black Dog

EDM the new IDM?

‘Techno is just a fad, when it dies down everything will go back to industrial....." Continue reading

Black Dog- Taking Control Of Controllers (via Kickstarter) (interview)

"All our controllers are always breaking and we needed to replace them. There was nothing on the market we wanted, so we decided to start building our own. It makes perfect sense for us to do this......" Continue reading

Life, Death & Danceteria Mash-Ups

. .     20 odd years ago, Jonty Skrufff lived and almost died in New York City, suffering a horrific lift accident at seminal 80s club Danceteria (where he worked at the time). Crushed and literally dragged between the base of the lift and the wall of its shaft, he suffered six normally mortal [...] Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates