Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)

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Uruguay Prices Pot @ 1$ a Gram (£3 an eighth)

Officials in Uruguay announced this week that cannabis soon to be sold legally in pharmacies throughout with South American country will be priced no higher than 22 pesos a gram (0.7 EUR), in a far sighted move to destroy the illicit market entirely...... Continue reading

Convertible Car Sales Collapse as Inequality Increases

"The gap between rich and poor threatens to destroy us. The lesson of the past is that societies try to protect themselves: they close their borders or have revolutions – or end up going to war......" Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates