Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)

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ecstasy deaths

LA EDM Rave Deaths Prompt Renewed Harm Reduction Calls

"MDMA-related fatalities are rarely the result of overdoses. They most often result from a combination of environmental factors leading to heat stroke...." Continue reading

Ecstasy Death Mum Blasts Britain’s ‘Vicious and Stupid Drug Laws’

Bereaved families of teenagers who’ve died after taking ecstasy launched a press campaign this week urging British Prime Minister David Cameron to ‘stop killing our children...' Continue reading

US E Deaths Spark EDM Backlash

Six Flags have cancelled their upcoming EDM festival Electric Adventure in Boston in a move the Boston Herald said was linked to the overdose death of two revellers attending last weekend’s Electric Zoo..... Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates