Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)

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Vinyl DJs Stay Safe from Stasi

"Some time soon they will categorise your taste – what music you like, what movies you see – and say, ‘You’re dangerous.....!’” Continue reading

DJ Harvey’s Street Style

“There are some very, very stylish homeless people, because they’re not constricted by fashion......" Continue reading

Panorama Bar’s DJ Steffi- I’m Definitely Not An Entertainer (interview)

"I tend to believe in fate and destiny rather than luck. If you stay sincere and true to yourself and to other people I think you create some kind of positive environment for yourself. And that's the best recipe for you to create your path..." Continue reading

Todd Terry’s Vinyl Renaissance

“Many of our music customers are vinyl fans and it's traditionally been very difficult to make digital versions of vinyl records - now customers can enjoy the albums they buy wherever they are, not just when they have access to a record player". Continue reading

Pioneer Make Beat-Matching Obsolete

"Dedicated controls for Master and Sync let you choose which new songs are automatically beat-matched to the master deck. DJs can now focus on taking their performance to new heights through their mastery of loops, cues and new live edit functions, all perfectly in sync...." Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates