Sisyphos LIVE DJ Mix (Easter Sunday)

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Charity Blames Drug Deaths on UK Prime Minister

Leading UK drugs agency Transform has accused new British leader Teresa May of being personally responsible for drug related fatalities...... Continue reading

Super-strength E-Alert

"What we have now is the strength has gone up to 120mg and more. Recently a tablet contained 270mg of MDMA.....” Continue reading

Uruguay Prices Pot @ 1$ a Gram (£3 an eighth)

Officials in Uruguay announced this week that cannabis soon to be sold legally in pharmacies throughout with South American country will be priced no higher than 22 pesos a gram (0.7 EUR), in a far sighted move to destroy the illicit market entirely...... Continue reading

Steve Rolles from Transform; Winning the War on Drugs (interview)

“It’s impossible to predict precisely but I would expect some form of decriminalisation of possession in the next British parliament and probably legalisation and regulation of cannabis in the one after that. There’s room to be optimistic . . ." Continue reading

Uruguay Legalises It

Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalise cannabis this week after senators approved a bill allowing people to grow, sell and consume pot……. Continue reading

US E Deaths Spark EDM Backlash

Six Flags have cancelled their upcoming EDM festival Electric Adventure in Boston in a move the Boston Herald said was linked to the overdose death of two revellers attending last weekend’s Electric Zoo..... Continue reading

Cocaine Keeps You Thin (But Crack Keeps You Fat)

“We were surprised how little body fat the cocaine users had in light of their reported consumption of fatty food. It seems that regular cocaine abuse directly interferes with metabolic processes and thereby reduces body fat......" Continue reading

Daily Mail Dubs Cocaine ‘Relatively Safe’

“Two recent, widely praised books—Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow and David Musto's The American Disease, make a powerful case that American drug policy originated in racism...." Continue reading

Depression’s Magic Mushroom Bullet Blocked

Leading British drugs expert Professor David Nutt has criticised regulations preventing him from starting a £500,000 trial to test the effectiveness of magic mushrooms in treating depression, despite a growing body of evidence proving their worth Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates