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war on drugs

Charity Blames Drug Deaths on UK Prime Minister

Leading UK drugs agency Transform has accused new British leader Teresa May of being personally responsible for drug related fatalities...... Continue reading

DanceSafe Launch Amend The RAVE Act Campaign

US harm reduction nightlife organisation Dancesafe have teamed up with civil liberties organisation the Drug Policy Alliance to try and amend America’s infamous RAVE Act......" Continue reading

War on Drugs Is War on ‘Dangerous Classes’ – Official

“The drug war not only gets rid of the superfluous population, it frightens everybody else. Drugs play a role similar to communism or terrorism, people huddle beneath the umbrella of authority for protection from the menace......" Continue reading

Ecstasy Death Mum Blasts Britain’s ‘Vicious and Stupid Drug Laws’

Bereaved families of teenagers who’ve died after taking ecstasy launched a press campaign this week urging British Prime Minister David Cameron to ‘stop killing our children...' Continue reading

Super-strength E-Alert

"What we have now is the strength has gone up to 120mg and more. Recently a tablet contained 270mg of MDMA.....” Continue reading

Green Party Propose No Punishments for Drug Users

“(The Green Party will) treat drug addiction as a health problem rather than a crime.........." Continue reading

MDMA ‘As Safe As Soccer and Cycling’

Top Norwegian scientists Pål-Ørjan Johansen and Teri Krebs have launched a crowd-funding campaign seeking to raise money to produce 100% pure MDMA...... Continue reading

Liverpool’s Garlands Fights Police Closure

Garlands has launched an official petition to save the acclaimed mixed gay northern clubbing institution..... Continue reading

Simon Napier Bell: the Dodgy Business of Popular Music: Elvis Presley

"When Colonel Parker booked him into Vegas, a middle-class middle-aged audience gave him an ice-cold reception – “like a jug of corn liquor at a champagne party”, said Newsweek....." Continue reading

Tom Petty Vs Electric Daisy Carnival

"I knew it as soon as I saw the ad. I went, 'Ooh, dead people.' Do you need the money so bad that you'll put some kid's life at risk......" Continue reading

Berlin Soul – Psalm 23 Show

Berlin Soul Syndication enquiries

If you are a radio station interested in broadcasting our weekly radio Show Berlin Soul please contact:
Jonty Skrufff @

Jonty Skrufff tour dates